Your company is active in glass sector and is facing the following problems ? Thanks to my skills, acquired in a “tier one” from the flat glass sector and thanks to my networking : I can help you by connecting you with several service providers or equipment suppliers
Hot repair (ceramic welding, …)
Maintenance of furnaces
NovoCOS (Mechernich, Germany) is the furnace repair specialist of the DOMINION Group. Core technology : ceramic welding process, but NovoCOS offers also a service portfolio, including full maintenance of furnaces, opening/closing of chambers, regenerators cleaning, …
For more information click here.

Production of raw glass : elimination of bad gobs (container) and of basement waste (fiber), overflow (float), …
For all : "cullet return" circuit
Glass recycling : cleaning of cullet glass from city collection

Thanks to its vibratory technology, CARRIER EUROPE (Nivelles, Belgium) has developed specific devices for glass sector : dedicated conveyors, quenching tools, fluid bed dryers and coolers, ...
For detailed information click here.
For summarize information click here

Batch plant : new one,
or modernization of existing one
The market is shared by a few key actors. So, depending on your sector ( flat - container - fiber - crystal - … ) and taking into account your specific situation, I can introduce you to the "best supplier".
Just send me an e-mail.

Your company is active in chemicals, rubber, foundry, dairy, pharmaceutical, wood, coal, metals, scraps, …
Whatever is your field, your company faces problem with handling of bulk materials.
CARRIER EUROPE (Nivelles, Belgium) is specialized in the manufacture of vibrating conveyors, feeders, screeners, fluid bed dryers and coolers, spiral elevators, … to meet the needs of a broad range of industries.
For more information, click here.

M & A projects, due diligence, business plan related to complex projects, CAPEX in the frame of a major investment : profitability and follow-up of authorizations Don't hesitate to send me a message.
I will contact you asap !